News / University



FALMOUTH University students were left with no running water after a burst water main affecting the whole of Tremough Campus.

On Thursday, March 14 at approximately 23:00pm, all access to water on Glasney Student Village was cut off. South West Water arrived on-site quickly to assess the problem.

Oliver Lane, Accommodation Service Manager, sent an email to all students saying: “South West Water are now on site with bowsers and are pouring drinking water into small containers that we are delivering to your flats”.

“In the meantime, please feel free to come to Glasney Porter’s Lodge to collect free bottled water” he continued.

For many students, the unavailability of water is a huge risk for them. Marine and Natural History Photography student, Toni Bryson, who recently experienced a successful kidney transplant in 2008 said: “Water is essential to my life. I need it to be able to take all my pills for my kidney. It’s definitely something we take for granted.”

Other students are also aggravated with the problem as Thursday nights are student nights, which many are dehydrated from the alcohol they have consumed.

Ornella Hawthorn Gardez, Film student, updated her Facebook status saying: “Get back from a night out dehydrated and the water isn’t working… you’ve got to be kidding me?!”

Other issues surrounding this problem is the inability to be able to shower, wash dishes or even flush the toilet. Students on campus are concerned with hygienic problems that can occur due to the loss of running water.

Glasney Student Village runs off water tanks, which with the loss of the main supply are not being refilled when used.

In another email from Lane, he said: “South West Water are confident that the service will be running as normal by 7:30”.

The accommodation team recommend students contact Glasney Porters Lodge on: 01326 253503 if they have any further enquiries.

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